
学历:本科 | 工作年限:五年以上 | 年龄:不限
最后刷新:2024/04/16 10:26:13



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Job Responsibilities:
1. Technical Leadership in DDR Sub-System domain (Controller and PHY) including Micro-Architecture, Design Implementation, Verification Strategy, Timing Sign-off, Integration and Silicon bring-up;
2. Responsible for the development of micro-architecture specification for GPU DDR Sub-System (Controller and PHY);
3. Responsible for the development of key design specification for block implementation;
4. Responsible for the definition of verification strategy and testplan of DDR Sub-system (Controller and PHY);
5. Responsible for Bug-Free DDR Sub-system delivery and SOC integration;
6. Technical Mentor-ship on Junior engineers in the DDR domain.

Job Requirements:
1. 10 Years+ of design or verification experience of high speed and high complexity digital logic;
2. Expertise of DDR Controller/PHY architecture and design implementation or verification, including GDDR*/HBM*/LPDDR*;
3. Successfully Tape-out and Silicon bring-up experience on advanced technology node;
4. Strong background in SV, SVA, UVM verification methodologies and C++ (for DV background);
5. Familiar with Metrics Driven Verification (MDV) or Coverage Driven Verification (CDV) Flow *(for DV background);
6. Technical leadership is required, strong interpersonal and communication skills;
7. Passion to work efficient and improvement;
8. Strong analytical/problem-solving skills, and pronounced attention to details.

沐曦致力于为异构计算提供全栈GPU芯片及解决方案,可广泛应用于人工智能、智慧城市、数据中心、云计算、自动驾驶、数字孪生、元宇宙等前沿领域,为数字经济发展提供强大的算力支撑。公司于2020年9月成立于上海,并在北京、南京、成都、杭州、深圳和武汉等地建立了全资子公司暨研发中心。沐曦拥有技术完备、设计和产业化经验丰富的团队,核心成员平均拥有近20年高性能GPU产品端到端研发经验,曾主导过十多款世界主流高性能GPU产品研发,包括GPU架构定义、GPU IP设计、GPU SoC设计及GPU系统解决方案的量产交付全流程。沐曦打造全栈GPU芯片产品,推出MXN系列GPU(曦思)用于AI推理,MXC系列GPU(曦云)用于AI训练及通用计算,以及MXG系列GPU(曦彩)用于图形渲染,满足数据中心对“高能效”和“高通用性”的算力需求。沐曦产品均采用完全自主研发的GPU IP,拥有完全自主知识产权的指令集和架构,配以兼容主流GPU生态的完整软件栈(MACAMACA),具备高能效和高通用性的天然优势,能够为客户构建软硬件一体的全面生态解决方案,是“双碳”背景下推动数据中心建设和产业数字化、智能化转型升级的算力基石。沐曦自成立之日起即保持着高速的成长性,展示出强大的人才号召力、产业资源聚集力、产品研发执行力和产业生态上下游布局能力。目前,沐曦已与服务器OEM、大数据中心、互联网运营商等行业客户建立了紧密的合作关系,并与众多知名高校和研究机构密切开展产学研合作,快速推进产业上下游生态的建设。

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